Multitalented singer, songwriter, producer & actor, Francis Jocky is something of an enigma, an artist with universal appeal and blessed with a unique voice. Raised in Paris, France and now living in New York City, Francis Jocky has developed a sound that transcends borders.
He’s rapidly becoming an international personality, sharing the microphone with the likes of Bono of U2 and Stevie Wonder, just to name a few.
From an early age he learned to express himself through music and by the age of twelve had begun playing piano and writing his own songs.
Francis Jocky has a wonderful duality as an artist, which probably has its roots in his combined educational and musical training. He is the recipient of a Ph.D. in International Relations from the prestigious Sorbonne University in Paris, France, combined with being a critically acclaimed musician and artist.
Over the years, Francis Jocky continues to participate in high profile concerts. He was involved in the MIDEM music conference in Cannes and shared the stage with music genius Stevie Wonder (in Monte Carlo). The responses from the shows were overwhelming and the media hailed him “The New Sensation.” Thus he was invited to play the Nemo Music Festival (as part of the Boston Music Awards). Francis is also involved with the festival "Tout le Monde Chante“, which takes place twice a year in Paris at the mystic Olympia Hall and in Aveyron (the South of France). The festival showcases France’s entertainment VIP’s, all participating for a non-profit organization which helps children with cancer.
While his recorded music is remarkable, live performances are his strength. During a live performance with Bono, Bono remarked, “Francis, you are a star!”
After working with artists such as Jon Anderson and performing with Stevie Wonder, Bono , Isaac Hayes, Jacques Higelin and Wally Badarou among many others, Francis Jocky continues his solo journey with his second solo release "SANCTIFIED", talking about love, the state of the world and the human condition.
"SANCTIFIED" is inspired by New York City according to the artist. "I have traveled the world, and there is no other city like New York. The energy keeps you moving, it's raw and it fusels your creativity. The city challenges you to be the best yet, it has no place for compassion" says Francis Jocky. It only demands the best and that was "SANCTIFIED" is.
"SANCTIFIED" is inspired by New York City according to the artist. "I have traveled the world, and there is no other city like New York. The energy keeps you moving, it's raw and it fusels your creativity. The city challenges you to be the best yet, it has no place for compassion" says Francis Jocky. It only demands the best and that was "SANCTIFIED" is.
In celebration of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, Francis Jocky is featured on the official FIFA World Cup album 'Listen Up'. He has been invited to join Japanese superstar Misia to sing on her song 'Maware Maware'.
Biography in Japanese
シンガーでありながら、作曲、プロディースもする多くの才能を持つフランシス ジョッキー(Francis Jocky)は、どこか神秘的な部分を持ちながら独特の歌声で、世界の人々を魅了するアーティストである。パリで育ち、現在はニューヨークに住むジョッキーは 国境のないサウンドを作り上げてきている。彼のファーストアルバム“ミスター ペイン”(”Mr. Pain”)は、音楽界にセンセーションを巻き起こし、彼の素晴らしい才能を世界に知らしめた。ジョッキーの歌を聴く者は増々,彼の魅力にのめり込んで行っている。
彼はU2のボノ(Bono)、スティービー ワンダー(Stevie Wonder)らと共演し、急速にインターナショナルな存在となってきた。